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How to order our product?

1).Please tell us the model and quantity and other request you need. 2).We make the PI for you. 3).After you confirm the PI, we arrange the order for you after receiving your payment.  4).After the goods finished, we send the goods out to you and tell you the tracking number.  5).We will track your goods […]

1).Please tell us the model and quantity and other request you need.

2).We make the PI for you.

3).After you confirm the PI, we arrange the order for you after receiving your payment.

 4).After the goods finished, we send the goods out to you and tell you the tracking number.

 5).We will track your goods until you receive the goods.

Our products boast customizable materials and dimensions, ensuring a tailored experience. With a range of materials to choose from and the ability to adjust sizes to your liking, our offerings are designed to meet your unique needs and preferences.
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